nickpresta 2 days ago

The linked, more detailed post in the article is far more interesting:

  • sph 2 days ago

    Did OP basically summarise another blog post and publish it on their own blog, even though the original is linked? Not a good look, also because it's "narrated" in the first person, as if they were the one to implement this change.

    • Wowfunhappy 21 hours ago's not, although I have to say, I really appreciated the succinctness of OP's article versus the original.

dalke 2 days ago

In the bygone era of 2008, I had fun adding Perl/Ruby-style pattern matching.

  for line in open(""):
      if line =~ m/def (\w+)/:
          print repr($1)

I started by writing a Python grammar definition based on PLY (see , then tweaked it to handle the new feature and emit the right AST. It's when I discovered the following was valid Python:

  >>> a=b=c=d=e=1
  >>> del a, (b, (c, (((((d,e)))))))
I don't think PLY can handle the newest Python grammar, but I haven't looked into it.

For what it's worth, my Python grammar was based on an older project I did called GardenSnake, which still available as a PLY example, at .

I've been told it's was one of the few examples of how to handle an indentation-based grammar using a yacc-esque parser generator.

nemoniac 2 days ago

You could argue that this is not merely adding syntax, but also adding the associated semantics.

Anyway, if you found this interesting, you might enjoy Eli Bendersky's blog post from nearly 15 years ago where he adds an "until ... do" statement to Python.

  • pansa2 2 days ago

    That blog post seems a lot more involved - it adds code to the bytecode compiler as well as to the parser.

    I suspect that’s mostly because the `until` statement is more complex - but another factor seems to be Python’s change in parsing technology from LL(1) to PEG.

  • asplake 2 days ago

    I sometimes think it would be fun to do “do: ... where:/while/until”, wherein the “where” part does local bindings.

dig1 2 days ago

This is where Lisp-like languages excel with macros. An example in Clojure:

    (defmacro do* [body expr cond]
     `(~expr ~cond

     (do* (println "hello") if true)
     (do* (println "hello") when-not (> 1 2))
  • BoingBoomTschak 2 days ago

    Yeah, this is the kind of material that shows that any attempt to prevent/hamper meta-programming or punt it to preprocessors is at best misguided. It also feeds the smug Lisp weenie within me.

      Above all the wonders of Lisp's pantheon stand its metalinguistic tools; by their grace have
      Lisp's acolytes been liberated from the rigid asceticism of lesser faiths. Thanks to Macro and
      kin, the jolly, complacent Lisp hacker can gaze through a fragrant cloud of setfs and defstructs
      at the emaciated unfortunates below, scraping out their meager code in inflexible notation, and
      sneer superciliously. It's a good feeling.
      -- iterate manual, A.1 Introduction
    do..while is also the example used here
cpburns2009 2 days ago

For all of the syntax features Python has been adding over the years, this would be a nice enhancement: making the "else None" optional in the ternary if-expression. E.g.,

    spam = eggs if bar
    # vs
    spam = eggs if bar else None
  • genter 2 days ago

    So if "else None" is omitted, if bar is false, then does spam == None or is it unmodified? The former is what I think you want, but that would be very confusing.

    • 333c 2 days ago

      Yeah, it would be confusing. In Ruby, this would leave spam unmodified.

      • 8n4vidtmkvmk 2 days ago

        That's even more confusing. There's an =, I expect an assignment to happen. Maybe we just leave this one alone.

        • 333c 2 days ago

          In Ruby, the `if [condition]` modifier at the end of a line is used for more cases than just assignment. For example, `return if s.blank?` and `raise "invalid" if input.length > 100`. In Ruby, this pattern makes it clear that the statement is only executed if the condition is met.

          I'm not advocating for this feature to be added to Python, just explaining why it's not confusing in Ruby.

          • mypalmike 2 days ago

            Though I used it for 2 years of it as my primary language at work, I never quite got used to Ruby's quirky idioms like this. It just reads badly to me, in terms of quickly understanding code flow, to have statements that start with "raise" or "return" which might not raise or return. Similar to the up-thread comment about assignment.

        • trehalose 2 days ago

          Perhaps using a parenthesized assignment expression with the walrus operator would be unambiguous:

          (spam := eggs) if bar

          I think that seems reasonable? It would act just the same as it already does with an explicit `else None`, if I'm not mistaken. I don't find it beautiful though.

  • kstrauser 2 days ago

    I almost never use None as the second value here. From my POV, that would be new syntax for an unlikely situation.

  • TwentyPosts 2 days ago

    Do we really need more syntactic sugar? Frankly, I am still confused why Python is going for a separate syntax for if expressions instead of just making its regular ifs into expressions

    • albertzeyer 2 days ago

      There is an advantage of having this as syntax, which is a difference in semantics, which you couldn't get if this would just be an expression, namely:

          x = func1() if something else func2()
      In this example, only func1() or func2() is being called, but not both.
      • gray_-_wolf 2 days ago

        I do not understand why

            x = if something:
        Would not work. At least that is what I imagine when it is said "make if an expression".
        • zahlman 2 days ago

          Other languages do this sort of thing, so certainly it "would work". But it's very much counter to the design and aesthetics of Python.

          Python is intended to enforce a strong distinction between statements and expressions (`:=` notwithstanding :/) because it sidesteps a lot of questions that one might otherwise ask about how it's intended to be parsed (including by humans).

          Being able to write something like your example makes it harder to figure out where the end is, figure out what happens if there's more than one statement inside an `if` (do we only consider the result of the last expression? What if the last thing isn't an expression?), etc. By the time you get to the end of understanding what's happening inside the block, you can lose the context that the result is being assigned to `x`.

          At the other extreme, everything is an expression, and you have Lisp with funky syntax. But Python holds that this syntactic structure is important for understanding the code. I sense that this is part of what "Flat is better than nested" is intended to mean.

        • __mharrison__ 2 days ago

          This doesn't work because the if statement is a statement. Statements don't evaluate to anything in Python, so you can't assign it to x.

          • 8n4vidtmkvmk 2 days ago

            Hence "make it an expression"

            • otabdeveloper4 2 days ago

              It's way to late to fix the "statement vs expression" bug in Python's design.

              We could have done that in the v3 switch, but we decided to spend man-centuries of effort on chasing already deprecated legacy Windows Unicode semantics instead.

    • cpfohl 2 days ago

      This is literally just a short tutorial helping people get into the cpython codebase. This feedback is off topic.

      Related to your comment, though: Python has had this syntax for a VERY long time.

m463 16 hours ago

I never knew this syntax worked in python 2 and 3

  1 if True else 2
tgv 2 days ago

Great, now you have the dangling else in python, the one thing that actually was solved by significant white space.

zitterbewegung 2 days ago

This is a cool article. If you want to understand how to contribute to python there is a guide at

  • tmgehrmann 2 days ago

    Be aware, however, that the inner circle will use you, take your contributions, and, if you develop own opinions, publicly ban and defame you without any possibility of setting any record straight.

    pyhton-dev is a corporate shark tank where only personalities and employer matter (good code or ideas are optional).

    • pas 2 days ago

      That's a pretty strong claim, (and since most inner circles are hard to get into, I even assume it's not without any basis in reality), yet could you please provide some exhibits to support it?

      • 0x1242149 2 days ago

        The inner circle emerged after GvR resigned. It largely consists of people who haven't contributed that much to Python3 (sometimes nothing at all in terms of code).

        The members occupy different chairs in the PSF, Steering Council and the all-powerful CoC troika. They rotate, sometimes skip one election and then come back.

        Their latest achievement is the banning of Tim Peters and others:

        Tim Peters is just the tip of the iceberg. Many bans are private, intimidation is private.

        Steering council members can insult, bully and mock others without any CoC consequences for themselves and keep getting elected. That is how you know that they are in the inner circle.

        • pas 16 hours ago

          thanks for the details and links!

          how they are getting elected? who can vote?

          • xcthrow10 a minute ago

            There are about 90 core developers who can vote. At most 30 of those are active and have any clue of what happens on the issue tracker or

            For the other 60, if someone was friendly to them 30 years ago, they still think he is a awesome chap even if he is now a venomous bureaucrat.

            Approval voting is used, and SC members often sail through with just 30 of 90 votes. The pool of candidates is limited due to lack of interest and the perception that only the inner circle will somehow get the required low bar of around 30 votes. Also, people are intimidated since the SC ruins careers and gets away with lying.

            The whole thing has the dynamics of a high school party where somewhat popular people dominate the scene and a handful of intelligent people stand in the corner and wonder where the popularity comes from.

            It is all a deeply unprofessional setup.

    • albertzeyer 2 days ago

      That's not at all my experience. I contributed often to CPython by filling many issues and also one PR, and the whole process was very reasonable.

      • tsnewman a day ago

        The issue is whether the dominant people in a project are still reasonable after your 100th PR!

        Being nice to new people is a standard tactic for any divide-and-conquer organization. The politicians get more followers and get free positive comments on the internet that drown out criticism. The politicians don't have to work (some of them literally never did in CPython) and can pose as leaders and managers.

zahlman 2 days ago

>Condensed version of this cool blog post.

The effort is very much appreciated.

Y_Y 2 days ago

If only there was a language that let you modify the interpreter on the fly so you could do this as part of normal execution...

  • BiteCode_dev 2 days ago

    Python can actually do this using "# coding:", albeit less elegantly than lisp.

    I would say it's a good thing, I don't want to see a hundred of half baked, badly tested and vaguely document DSL with no decent tooling support.

    • pas 2 days ago

      That's probably an argument for a language with good DSL support.

      When this comes up I usually link to the work of Alan Kay and others (the very mystical sounding STEPS project at VPRI)

      """ The big breakthrough is making it easy to create new DSLs for any situation. Every area of the OS has its own language (and you can just add more if you feel the need) so that the whole OS including networking and GUI is very compact, understandable, and hackable. This particular project focused on compactness, just to prove that it is quantitatively more expressive. """

      comment by sp332

      final report from 2016

    • develatio 2 days ago

      Can you provide some more info / links regarding the “# coding:” feature? I wasn’t able to find anything.

      • BiteCode_dev 2 days ago

        Codecs ( can change the content of the file on the fly. You can abuse that to create new syntax, although it is evidently not the original intent.

        Let's say you hate significative spaces, here is a (very fragile) PoC for your pain:

        Import that into a *.pth file in your venv, and you can then do:

            # coding: braces_indent
            def main() {
                print("Hello, World!")
                if True {
                    print("This is indented using braces.")
        You also can use import hooks (python ideas does that), bytecode manipulations (pytest does that) or use the ctypes module (forbiddenfruit does that).

        Still, I'm very happy it stays limited to super specific niches. Big power, big responsibilities, and all that.

      • JackC 2 days ago

        The idea is you can register a custom file encoding, analogous to built-in file encodings like utf-8, and use it to transform the source file before python loads it. An example is pyxl, kind of like jsx, where you put `# coding: pyxl` at the top and then it will transform bare `<html>` in the python file into calls to a template builder:

        Incidentally this turns out to be super hard to search for without asking an LLM, since "python coding" is so overloaded, and using the feature this way is intentionally undocumented because it's not really what it's for, and not something I think most python users really want to encourage. So, forbidden python knowledge!

      • klibertp 2 days ago

        If you place `# coding: utf-8` on the first line of a Python script, it'll try to interpret the raw bytes contained later in the file by passing them through a relevant codec[1]. Since the codec receives the raw source and transforms it before any interpretation happens, you can (here's the point I'm starting to guess) supply a codec that parses the code, transforms the AST, and dumps it back to the source for execution. It would be similar to how "parse transforms" work in Erlang, though there you're handed AST and not bytes.


        • zahlman 2 days ago

          >how "parse transforms" work in Erlang, though there you're handed AST and not bytes.

          Oh, I didn't know about this. Was thinking about doing something similar in my own language, so I'll have to check that out.

  • klibertp 2 days ago

    You're Lisp-baiting, aren't you? ;) I'd add Elixir next to Nim (already mentioned); also Rust. Recently, also Scala.

    The reason we don't have such metaprogramming available everywhere is mostly because you have to subscribe to a particular ideology to allow it. If you think programmers are generally intelligent and responsible, you put macros and metaclasses in your language. If, on the other hand, you think most programmers are dumb code monkeys (with a few exceptions, maybe) your language becomes like early Java or early Go.

    • Y_Y 2 days ago

      (Isn't lisp-baiting the raison d'être of hn?)

      Since you mention it, Python does have a fairly elaborate metaclass system, but it seems like it's only really used for implementing the language and rarely if ever wielded by "users". I guess that's a reflection of the language ideology you're talking about.

      Also for what it's worth, I know myself to be a dumb code monkey, but being in the CRUD gutter doesn't preclude me from looking at the metasyntactic stars.

    • keybored 2 days ago

      That dichotomy is interesting considering Guy Steele’s Growing a Language talk and his Scheme background. But maybe just mentioning Scheme is misleading here...

      • klibertp 2 days ago

        Thanks for bringing it up. I had a good read. I agree entirely with Steele! It's ironic, however, that it's written in the context of Java - he mentions just three features that would make Java growable: generics, operator overloading, and value types. We all know how it went: generics were added sometime later, but there's still no operator overloading, and value types came to the language 20 years after the talk :)

  • radarsat1 2 days ago

    Why would I want to extend the language syntax as part of normal execution?

bbb651 2 days ago

You can almost do it with `condition and value`, but you get `False` instead of `None` (and adding any more code makes this worse than `value if condition else None`. Interestingly lua like `<condition> and <true-expression> or <false-expression>` ternaries actually work in python, with the added footgun that <true-expression> must be truthy and people will despise you).

Rust for example has a solution for this in std, there's a `bool::and_some` method (and `bool::then` that takes a closure to avoid eagerly evaluating the value), but `if { ... }` isn't an expression like `if { ... } else { ... }` is, probably to avoid coupling the language to `Option`.

  • steveklabnik 2 days ago

    Option is already a lang item, so that would t be an issue. I don’t know what the actual underlying reason is, or if it was ever even proposed.

    • bbb651 2 days ago

      I meant more than it already is, I referenced this: I do think it would be neat but it's niche enough to not be worth the non-obvious behavior of boxing with `Option`, e.g. you might forget an `else { ... }` and get complex type errors.