Tell HN: Windsurf edits are failing and burning infinite credits for most users

12 points by bluelightning2k 20 hours ago

If you look at Windsurf's discord, redit etc. you will see that there's a flood of users saying that the edit tool simply fails.

The agent then retries repeatedly until you stop it, consuming credits as it goes.

To mitigate: some users have suggested telling the AI to only ever make one edit per tool call can help. The theory here is that the edit tool itself has a concurrency bug and Claude 3.7 tries to do simultaneous edits with their system prompt.

Regardless - if you're a Windsurf user it is NOT just you and REALLY pay attention to credit consumption, many reports suggest it will just keep trying and charging.

phantompeace 5 hours ago

I’ve experienced this with Sonnet 3.7. My credits drained in 2-3 days I think, leaving me to be sad for the rest of this month.

teddyX 15 hours ago

Windsurf doesn’t work 40% of the time while still eating up flow credits

Starting to feel very scammy

mazzadev 19 hours ago

Same issue here on my side

  • bluelightning2k 19 hours ago

    I think we as a community should seriously call out companies when they have a status page and refuse to update it to reflect outages just to cheat on their uptime stats