Show HN: Tiny Text Calendar – A Portable Calendar.txt

2 points by SmellTheGlove a day ago

I had been getting frustrated with my calendars recently and decided to go back to a basic calendar.txt file, only to miss my calendar being available everywhere. Naturally, I over-engineered a solution to that problem and built an app that edits like a text calendar, but is otherwise available on all of my devices and everywhere that I am - online or offline.

Feel free to give it a try -

You can create a calendar, edit it, add some basic labels like the day of the week and week number, and export it to a plain old text file or continue to use it online.

Lately, I've been really into building small, single purpose tools for myself, and figured I'd try sharing this one. I'm certainly open to feedback. I have no idea if anyone has this same problem or wants to use it, but if it catches on, I'll probably build it further. I do have a longer term goal of selling super inexpensive, simple to use apps, with the goals of being feature-complete and without enshittification over time. Maybe this will be the first of those with some premium features later, but I intend to keep this basic version free.

For anyone interested in the tech stack, it's pretty boring and I like it that way. It's written in Python with Flask, uses Postgres, emails with Sendgrid (might finally go past the free tier here) and is self-hosted with Dokku on a Digital Ocean droplet. Claude Code probably cut my dev time by 75%.

I'm sure there are some bugs to iron out. I can say with certainty that it does not look great on mobile yet, but that'll come next.