baq 12 hours ago

Unsolicited career advice for juniors: read a SQL book over a weekend and read a book about the DBMS your job is using on the next weekend. You’ll be very surprised by how much senior folks don’t know or worse about databases.

  • niwtsol 12 hours ago

    This is fantastic advice. At the first startup I worked at, we had several issues with our MySQL dbs & ETL jobs (MyISAM table locks, slow updates, no replication) - I spent a few days just reading the relevant sections of "High Performance MySQL: Optimization, Backups, Replication, and More" - and voila I had solid recommendations built on facts rather than random opinions people created over the years - put my career on an entirely different trajectory.

    • baq 9 hours ago

      Exactly what I had in mind, I've seen this first hand a couple times. It's a few days of reading which literally can change your life.

  • jxjnskkzxxhx 9 hours ago

    Further advice about life: read, ask questions, dig deeper. You'll be very surprised how many people don't know the basics of anything.

  • dondraper36 12 hours ago

    Ideally, also invest some time and work through the CMU Intro to Database Systems course by Andy Pavlo.

    That's how I would have started if I had to start from scratch

dangoodmanUT 13 hours ago

DuckDB sql let's you do from first (thank god)

from first is correct, and way more ergonomic

  • croes 4 hours ago

    Nowadays with IDEs with auto complete. When SQL was developed it was easier if a query reflects natural language.

croes 4 hours ago

Wouldn't it be impossible to start with SELECT before the FROM and JOIN?

KronisLV 12 hours ago

Makes me think of PRQL:

I always found the idea of written SQL making you specify what you want to select before you know what you're selecting from odd.